Wasteland Characters End Status

Andreas Gross
Victory #1
September 15, 1997

A Wasteland End Status

Sneaker -- The luckiest of the group, being always in the front avoiding traps and sneaking around. Also the only one being able to decrypt ancient glyphs.
ST : 16
IQ : 25
LK : 38
SP : 20
AGL: 20
DEX: 20
CHR: 8
RANK: 20
$: several thousand
SEX: male
AC: 14 (Power Armor)
WEAPON: Proton Axe
Meson Cannon
Assault rifle
SKILLS: 7 Brawling
7 Assault Rifle
7 Energy Weapon
6 Swim
5 Perception
4 Climb
2 Combat Shooting
2 Cryptology
2 Silent Move
1 Doctor
Anula -- Really fond of things going BOOM, but wasn't often allowed to bomb anything, therefore developed an interest in electronics. Being the only one adept with Cyborg Tech she entered the Mind Maze and survived.
ST : 14
IQ : 24
LK : 30
SP : 20
AGL: 20
DEX: 20
CHR: 6
RANK: 20
$: several thousand
SEX: female
AC: 14 (Power Armor)
WEAPON: Proton Axe
Ion Beamer
Assault Rifle
LAW rockets
SKILLS: 7 Brawling
7 Assault Rifle
7 Energy Weapon
5 Electronics
5 Swim
4 Climb
4 Perception
2 AT Weapons
2 Combat Shooting
1 Cyborg Tech
1 Demolition
1 Doctor
No Border -- Could also use the codename Fingers, because only doors which are welded shut can withstand him, also the safe in Fort Knox will succumb to his fingers.
ST : 18
IQ : 24
LK : 30
SP : 20
AGL: 20
DEX: 20
CHR: 9
RANK: 20
$: several thousand
SEX: male
NATIONALITY: Native American
AC: 14 (Power Armor)
WEAPON: Chainsaw
Ion Beamer
Assault rifle
SKILLS: 8 Brawling
7 Assault Rifle
6 Energy Weapon
6 Swim
5 Picklock
4 Climb
4 Perception
3 Safecrack
2 Combat shooting
1 Doctor
Barbwire -- The perfect mixture between Marvel's SHE-HULK and Alicia Silverstone. Her codename originates from her first month in the ranger academy, when she messed up three male cadets wolfwhistling for her.
ST : 29
IQ : 24
LK : 30
SP : 20
AGL: 20
DEX: 20
CHR: 16
RANK: 20
$: several thousand
SEX: female
AC: 14 (Power Armor)
WEAPON: Chainsaw
Laser Rifle
Assault Rifle
SKILLS: 8 Brawling
7 Assault Rifle
7 Energy Weapon
6 Swim
4 Climb
3 Perception
2 Combat Shooting
2 Bomb Disarm
1 Doctor
1 Toaster Repair
The following Rangers were conscripted for help along the way:
Vax (Base Cochise)
Christina (traded her equipment and disbanded)

All other NPCs were shot for experience (ouch!)